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**The MONKEY Formula: Your Ultimate Guide to Stress-Free Instagram Marketing**

Oct 21, 2024

If I said I could give you 5 or 6 hours of extra time this month, what would you do? Relax? Read? Workout? Well, get those thinking caps on because after reading this, you are going to cut the time you spend creating content in half, at least!


Creating content is often a major headache for small business owners. Lack of ideas and lack of time are the biggest culprits. How many times have you realised you haven’t posted to your Instagram account for days? When you try to think of something cool or entertaining to write, does your brain go blank? Do you sit for hours trying to plan out your content and still get low engagement levels? Imagine if I could show you a formula for creating content that will not only save you hours of time but also tons of stress! This is the exact formula I use myself and also teach to my clients. Let's dive in.


Brainstorming Brilliance

First, brainstorm all the things you know about. This is usually the hardest part as we never give ourselves enough credit for what we know. Once you have a list of about 10, break these down into more niche topics. Select the top 12 topics that you think your audience would want to know about. These are now going to be your monthly themes.


Long-Form Love

Take the first theme and write a long-form post (ChatGPT is a great resource if you want to save time). These can be repurposed for LinkedIn or shared on your blog. Once you have created your long-form content, take out 3 or 4 key points—these are going to be your social posts.


Introducing the MONKEY Formula

Now, this is where the MONKEY formula comes into play:

**M – Make it Fun**: This can be anything at all, business or personal—remember, people buy from people.

**O – Original Stories**: This is your opportunity to talk about your WHY. Why did you start your business? Why are you so passionate about your cause? Share your personal experiences.

**N – Now Sell**: Think about what you have to sell each month and ensure your content points toward this.

**K – Knowledge-Based**: Share tips, tricks, and hacks that will help your followers.

**E – Entertaining or Educational**: Share something fun or valuable.

**Y – Your Customers’ Testimonials/Reviews**: Nothing is better than word-of-mouth marketing.


Planning and Posting

By using a mixture of the MONKEY formula (and looking at your insights), you will be able to create a variety of content that will keep your followers coming back for more. Download and print off your content planner (or use The Insta Queen’s Guide to Content that Converts).

Depending on how many times a week you want to post, you can tweak the next steps accordingly. Set out your plan of content for the week. Here’s an example I often use:


**Monday**: Motivation / Meme / Personal (Make it fun / Original stories)

**Tuesday**: Top Tips (Knowledge-based)

**Wednesday**: Promo my freebie (Educate)

**Thursday**: Testimonials (Your customers’ testimonials)

**Friday**: Sell (Now sell)


My Content Creation Process

I write as many personal posts as I can (when I’m in the mood) and keep them filed so I’m constantly adding to a bank. From the one long-form post, I take 3 or 4 tips and share one a week as my top tips content. I have a consistent freebie that I share along with some tips to encourage people to sign up. My testimonials are taken from feedback forms—I use a template in Canva and just change the text. Each of my products has a short sales page/explanation that I use, varying the products over the month. I also add any phone images I think I could use on my socials to a file so that when it comes to planning everything out, you have a bank of images ready to use.


Scheduling Magic

Once everything is planned out using our amazing book or downloadable planner, you are now ready to schedule! My favorite scheduling app is Ready Made Marketer. This app allows you to post to FB, IG, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Twitter all at the same time, and months in advance too! You can find out more about this awesome scheduling tool inside our Members area, where we have a full training on how to use it to maximum effect.

So there you have it—the easiest way to batch create content, save yourself time and stress, and still provide your followers with valuable content they will love! Remember, your insights will play a crucial part in your content creation. Always keep an eye on what worked best the month before, think about WHY, and then recreate more of the same style of content!

I would love to know what you think about this formula. Did it make creating your content easier? What will you do with the extra 4 or 5 hours I’ve just given you back? Let me know over on Instagram @estellekeeberofficial