Are You Breaking The Law Using Instagram?
Oct 14, 2019Are you breaking the law using Instagram? by Estelle Keeber
Now you all know that we’re all about transparency when it comes to Instagram but did you know that YOU maybe breaking the law when it comes to the content you are sharing onto Instagram?
Early in 2019 a handful of celebs were taken to court over the fact that they were promoting brands, products and services without making it known to their followers that they were being paid to do so!
The ASA’s ruling found the post to be a marketing communication based on Flat Tummy Tea’s control over the content of the post, the visibility of the product in the posts, display of the brand handle and other factors. The ASA held that the prior lack of disclosure was a breach of the ASA’s CAP code, its rule book for non-broadcast advertisement, sales promotions and direct marketing communications.
Which in layman’s terms means that the brand (Flat Tummy Tea) knowingly marketed their product using the said influencer without making it clear.
Shortly after the influencer changed the caption of the post and added the word #ad
Even the amazing @mrshinchhome was under scrutiny over her use of cleaning products in her posts.
So when it comes to either working with influencers or promoting brands yourself, transparency is crucial. You have a responsibility to your audience to make ethical decisions when it comes to what you promote and providing them with honest information.
Brand collaborations and influencer marketing are huge for online businesses if done in the right way…but that’s a whole other blog!
Until next time…
Stay transparent…Much love
Insta Queen x