Have You Seen That Instagram Have Launched A New Sticker?
Mar 25, 2020Have you seen that Instagram have launched a new sticker??
The CHALLENGE sticker will enable you to create and take part in challenges similar to TIKTOK!
So far this is what I can figure out… To take part in a challenge you tap the sticker when you see it in stories (unless you are nominated in which case you will get a notification) you will be able to take a pic, record or upload a video to take part. Right now Instagram have only added a small selection of challenges such as the yoga challenge, the drawing challenge, the dance challenge, the 10 year challenge, squat challenge, the art challenge as well as a few others.
What I predict will happen is that Instagram will soon allow for people to create their own challenges. You would simply create a story and then use the sticker to create a community hashtag… you can then tag someone in the story who you nominate to do it next. When someone takes part in your challenge you are notified and can re-share… again a great opportunity for raising visibility of your brand.
The use of hashtags is another way that instagram are hoping to create even more of a sense of community on the platform which i think is a great idea… the idea of nominating someone will also help build community and engagement… and the more people engage the more they will see your content.
So from a business perspective… how can you make an impact?
Well it’s very much like when I talk about having your own branded hashtags. Encouraging people to get involved and creating a community around the hashtag. Popsy Clothing do this really well with their hashtag #popsypretty which encourages fans to share pictures of them wearing their Popsy dresses and using the hashtag so potential clients can see an array of women all wearing the amazing designs.
The way to implement this into your business is to create a branded challenge, something you can encourage followers to take part in. Share your challenge and then nominate your followers to do the same… great for brand visibility and engagement but for right now… get involved with the challenges Instagram have given. Not only will it open you up to a whole new audience it’s also kinda fun!
When you do launch your own challenge make sure you are using other social media platforms to promote and encourage traffic to your insta account and stories. Maybe even offer a prize for the most engaged or fun video / pic to take part in the challenge
I literally cannot wait to see what happens next…
Until then head on over to my Instagram account @estellekeeberofficial for more tips tricks and insta hacks!
What do you think to the latest update?
Will you be using it? For fun or for business?
Let me know in the comments!