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The NEW Instagram Feed – What you need to know and how to make it work for your business.

updates Mar 29, 2022


Wait wait wait…3 insta feeds? YES! Favourites and following as well as main feed

Both feeds are Chronological and posts are shown in time posted order.

Favourites – people who you don’t want to miss, these are shown at the top of your main feed as well as in your favourites feed.

Following is a feed of posts from people you follow…again in time posted order.

The main feed will be ranked, not chronological so what you see is based on what you like and what is already ranking well with engagement.


So what does this mean for your account and your business?

You want your audience to see your content so to give it the best chance you need to encourage your followers to add you to their favourite accounts, this way when they look at their favourites feed your content will be there. However this feed is also chronological so to make sure they ARE seeing your posts you need to be posting consistently.


How to get people to add you to favourites

Share my screenshot and show them how to do it.

Why not share a video telling them whats new and how they can make sure they stay up to date?

Add screengrabs to stories

Send a newsletter to your email list


So, how do you add accounts to your favourites?

Simply go to your 3 dashes menu and then scroll down to favourite and add your favourite accounts. Instagram will even give you suggestions based on who you engage with!


Have you seen the latest update? Has it rolled out to you yet?