Reels Play Bonus
Nov 12, 2021Reels play bonus
The Instagram Reels Play program gives creators the chance to earn money from creating reels, these bonuses can vary and its all dependant on how may views a reel gets. As Tik Tok already have a creator fun, this program encourages users to stay on Instagram and stick with reels.
To be able to apply and have access to this program you have to have a business or creator account and then you can share your reels to both Instagram and Facebook. To earn money reels need to get a minimum of 1000 views over a 30 day period.
This program is only available in the US right now but will hopefully be rolled out globally soon.
The better your reels perform the more money you can earn. The program will allow you to keep track of your progress in the app.
As Instagram are focusing more on video content, it is a good idea to start creating reels if you don’t, as when the program is rolled globally you can start earning money straight away.
Creating reels can increase your chances of being discovered and seen by a bigger audience and can even land you on the explore page! Reels are great to create more brand awareness Reels can be used just like any other content format to direct people to sign up, make a purchase and many other call to actions that your business may use. Reels can increase your engagement more than a regular feed post.
Once you have rolled onto the program you are able to start earning money by selecting the reels that you want to count towards your bonus during the 30 day period.
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