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OMG we are not even at the end of the month and we have already seen some insane updates from our friends over at Instagram. From new reels features to safer usage for our children…we got it all.
So lets start with some of the fun stuff…
New Reels feature – sound...
BIG news!! Instagram have started trialling subscriptions...another way to earn money using Instagram in 2022!
Instagram recently began testing paid subscriptions with a few content creators and influencers in the US, allowing them to charge their followers a monthly fee in exchange...
New Instagram features for 2022 you need to know about!
Well what it year it has been…and if 2021 is anything to go by 2022 is going to be a banger over on the Gram!
So what do you have to look forward to…well I cant promise but…here’s a few of my 2022 Instagram...
Well what a year it has been for Instagram! Now, Im just going to take a stab in the dark here but I think this year there have already been more than 100 new updates that we have been aware of, 14 happening in November 2021 alone!
So it really would take me forever to go...