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Guest Blog - Instagram by Danielle Holmes blog guest blogs popular Oct 03, 2019

Instagram in our opinion is one of the fastest growing social platforms, with an endless amount of features, updates and uses it really can help any business with awareness and sales.

Here at Black Nova Designs our Instagram account started with only a few followers, not really knowing...

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Guest Blog by Debbie Marks blog guest blogs popular Sep 24, 2019

Guest blog post from Debbie Marks, Qube Events & Productions 

When the fabulous Estelle me write a guest blog, I jumped at the chance. 

Firstly let me introduce myself, I’m Debbie, mum of 2 gorgeous girlies and owner of award winning Event management and decor...

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Instagram Stories Basics blog estelle popular Sep 22, 2019

Instagram Stories Basics by Estelle Keeber

People can view your stories by tapping on your logo…and you can watch the stories of the people you follow by tapping their logo or the small circle icons at the top of your feed.

So why are Instagram stories so powerful… WELL…...

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The Power of Collaboration Part 2 blog estelle popular Sep 16, 2019

The Power of Collaboration Part 2 by Estelle Keeber

How to find your perfect business collaboration.

After explaining the power of collaboration in a previous post I thought that it was only right that I know explained how to find your perfect collaboration. So here goes….

First of all...

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Creating a Connection blog estelle popular Sep 01, 2019

Creating a Connection by Estelle Keeber

Hey hey blog fans!

The last few weeks I’ve been going through waves of different emotions. Sometimes I’m super excited, sometimes I’m nervous, sometimes I literally feel sick that people are about to read all about my life. The good the...

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The Power of Collaboration Part 1 blog estelle Aug 28, 2019

The Power of Collaboration Part 1 by Estelle Keeber

Collaboration has always been something that we have realised the power of. Early on in our journey we collaborated with an amazing some amazing business that helped us to do a number of things.

So first of all let’s talk about how...

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Going Live on Instagram blog estelle popular Aug 18, 2019

Going live on Instagram by Estelle Keeber

I was absolutely rocked by how many people that joined me on last week’s Instagram live who said they were scared of doing an Instagram LIVE!

But then when I got to thinking and spent some time chatting with you ladies afterward I realised that for...

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Instagram and Me! by Akex Aka Mamma Hinch Aug 08, 2019

Instagram and me! by Alex aka Mamma Hinch 

I was clueless about Instagram. If I’m honest I didn’t even know it was an app! I watched every live for months, silent, no comment, no reaction, purely soaking in the information. I knew there was a market out there, I just...

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Want More Sales on Instagram?? Let's Go Back 2 Basics! blog estelle popular Aug 06, 2019

Want More Sales on Instagram?? Let’s Go Back 2 Basics! by Estelle Keeber

3 new sales in less than 2 hours??

Yes , that’s right. That was the feedback we had less than 4 hours after posting the first video into the Instagram Back 2 Basics training group!

In the first video I talk all...

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User Generated Content on Instagram and WHY You Need It! blog estelle popular Aug 01, 2019

User Generated Content on Instagram and WHY you need it! by Estelle Keeber 

So first off, I know there is going to be loads of you out there thinking what the hell is user generated content (UGC) secondly, WHY do I need it and finally HOW do I get it?! 

So let’s start at the...

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