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Guest VIP - Liz Rowe - Ten Steps to Starting a Charity blog guest blogs popular Mar 02, 2020

Liz Rowe – Ten Steps to Starting a Charity

Why do people feel compelled to change the world?

I suspect you know the answer because as a female entrepreneur and Mum in Business you are already doing that! But I mean from a social movement perspective, not for profit, for no reward other...

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Guest - Amanda Clarke Celebrity MUA blog guest blogs popular Feb 24, 2020

Amanda Clarke Celebrity MUA

After meeting the incredible celebrity make up artist Amanda Clarke during her photoshoot for the Daily Mail, Estelle Keeber couldn’t wait to find out more about her amazing journey and of course… share it all with you guys.

Amanda really understands the...

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VIP Guest Contributor – Buckso Dhillon - Woolley blog guest blogs popular Feb 10, 2020

Guest Contributor – Buckso 

Hello Everyone!! 

I’mBuckso, a Midlands basedBritish IndianActor whose task in life, is to help others with thoseobjectives in achieving THEIRlifesmission. Now you might find this a little strange coming from an Actor, and to be honest,...

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VIP Guest Contributor – Cherish Reardon – Popsy Clothing blog guest blogs popular Feb 03, 2020

Guest Contributor – Cherish Reardon – Popsy Clothing 

If somebody had told me 3 years ago that I would be giving tips to business owners to help them with their social media I would have laughed! When I set up Popsy Clothing I had absolutely no idea about Facebook as a platform...

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Domestic Abuse - Mama Life Magazine blog estelle popular press Jan 13, 2020

As many of you will know, I’m for sure more comfortable being the other side of the camera but couldn’t turn down the opportunity of being on the cover of Mamalife Magazine and sharing my story with their readership.

Now for any of you that think model life Is glam, your very...

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2020 A Decade of Instagram – 40 Facts You NEED to Know blog estelle popular Jan 06, 2020

2020 A decade of Instagram – 40 facts you NEED to know

Instagram debuted on 6th October 2010

Instagram was almost called Codename but it was decided against before the launch.

Instagram was created by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger

The first picture shared was on July 17th 2010 before the...

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Round Up of 2019 blog estelle popular Dec 16, 2019

Everything you need to know about the last 12 months on Instagram

What an incredible year it’s been for Instagram fans. With too many updates to mention I thought I would compile a shortlist of what’s been happening in the last 12 months to keep you all up to speed!

2019 has been one...

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The Power Hour – How to Kick-Start Your Biz in 60 Mins blog guest blogs Dec 09, 2019

The Power Hour – How to Kick-Start Your Biz in 60 Mins by Sara Noel

We have all been there. Feeling like we are fighting the tide of running a business, whilst juggling everything that comes with running a household and everyday life.

It is ever so easy for solopreneurs to lose focus...

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How Overcoming Approval Addiction Can Leave You Free To Pursue Your Dream Life blog guest blogs popular Dec 02, 2019

How Overcoming Approval Addiction Can Leave You Free To Pursue Your Dream Life By Rachael Barnes 

When I was invited me to write and present a training video on Approval Addiction I was quite literally gobsmacked! 


Weren’t there more experienced...

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Non Spammy Selling - Creating Advertising blog estelle popular Nov 25, 2019

Non Spammy Selling – Creative Advertising by Estelle Keeber

Do you swipe straight past the ads on Instagram. You know the ones that are obviously trying to sell you something you don’t need?

Do you scroll on past the boring buy my shit posts all over FB?

I know, I’m the same....

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