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Hacking The 10K Swipe Up Option blog estelle popular Nov 18, 2019

Hacking the 10k Swipe Up Option by Estelle Keeber

So if you missed the live explaining this hack don’t worry you can watch all of my Tuesday night lives over on our Youtube channel,  In the video I explained to you all why you don’t need 10k followers to use the swipe up option...

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Instagram Hide Likes in the UK… So What Does This Actually Mean and How Will It Impact on YOUR Business? blog estelle popular Nov 15, 2019

Instagram Hide Likes in the UK… So What Does This Actually Mean and How Will It Impact on YOUR Business? by Estelle Keeber

(click images for larger image)

Instagram started to hide likes in certain countries months ago now. Canada were one of the first countries to be rolled in way back...

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Instagram - Why Having Amazing Images Isn't Enough blog estelle popular Nov 11, 2019

Instagram – Why Having Amazing Images Isn’t Enough By Estelle Keeber

As many of you will know before co creating MIBA I actually owned and ran my own wedding photography business. My love of photography has never left and I was really sad to have shot my last wedding in May this...

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How Taking Part in a Instagram Challenge Can Grow Your Business blog estelle popular Nov 04, 2019

How taking part in an Instagram challenge can grow your business! by Estelle Keeber

If you haven’t ever taken part in a Instagram Challenge where have you been?

Right back when we first set up the Facebook community, we started running our FREE Instagram Challenges every couple of months....

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Making Money on Instagram blog estelle popular Oct 28, 2019

Making Money on Instagram by Estelle Keeber

Did you know more than 2 billion brands and businesses use Instagram?

If your ideal client is aged between 18-49 chances are they are using Instagram and no longer just for the pretty pictures…they are over there shopping! YES!! Spending cold...

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My First Ever Keynote at WIB EXPO blog estelle popular press Oct 21, 2019

My First Ever Keynote at WIB Expo by Estelle Keeber

Well what can I say? The first ever Women In biz expo was an incredible success! I was honoured to be invited along to this 2 day conference to help women in all aspects of business.

Throughout the 2 days there were panel discussions,...

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How can keeping a Gratitude Journal Benefit Me? By Tania Taylor blog guest blogs popular Oct 16, 2019

How can keeping a Gratitude Journal Benefit Me? by Tania Taylor

Hands up if you have heard that journaling is good for you? My hands are firmly up right now!
I have heard time and time again how important it is, and I also recommend writing a gratitude journal to all my clients, but...

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Are You Breaking The Law Using Instagram? blog estelle popular Oct 14, 2019

Are you breaking the law using Instagram? by Estelle Keeber

Now you all know that we’re all about transparency when it comes to Instagram but did you know that YOU maybe breaking the law when it comes to the content you are sharing onto Instagram?

Early in 2019 a handful of celebs were...

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Everything You Need to Know About Websites blog guest blogs popular Oct 09, 2019

Let us start by thanking MIBA for this opportunity, it is a real privilege and honour. We have been in the website and hosting industry for around 10 years and wow, have things changed!

10 years ago, social media was still new, websites were thousands of pounds and only a few businesses were...

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Power of Community blog estelle popular Oct 07, 2019

Power of Community by Estelle Keeber

Having a social media following of over 150k people is no mean feat… BUT there’s no secret to making this happen!

Let’s start way back in June 2017 when we first started the Mums in Business Association FB group. We started with an idea. We...

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