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Instagram Updates For December blog Dec 14, 2020

Can you believe we are less than a month away from 2021? Instagram has been laying on the updates thick and heavy so we’ve rounded up the most notable ones.

Home Sweet Home

Your home screen is probably looking a little different as Insta changes up the layout to encourage users to engage...

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Lock On To Love In Lockdown blog guest blogs Dec 07, 2020

“Lock On to Love in Lockdown’ with MetaWellBeing : Top Tips to Empower Yourself Inside-Out” 

‘Establish a Personal Self-Care Routine – You Deserve It’ 

Set your alarm early or leave curtains open to wake with daylight

As you come round still lying in...

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Presents For Preemies blog guest blogs Dec 04, 2020

Our names are Lisa Norman and Stacey Matthews and we run Presents for Preemies. We are both mums of boys, and both of us had one born prematurely. We’ve not written this blog to tell you a sob story but tell you about how resilient life events like these can make you.

Lisa’s son was...

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Law of Attraction blog guest blogs Dec 01, 2020

I could talk all day about the impact that mindset work and the law of attraction has had on my life and on my clients lives. All of this has impacted on my recovery from a series accident, improved my relationships, grown my business, won me awards, brought me amazing opportunities that I never...

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The Ideas Incubator blog guest blogs Nov 27, 2020

My name’s Lisa Norman and I set up The Ideas Incubator to help with business owners struggling with ideas generation. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram. Reach out if you want ideas more specific to your business.

Sometimes you’re just too close to your business and new ideas...

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How Can You Thrive At A Time Like This? blog guest blogs Nov 23, 2020

If you’re a small business owner, it’s understandable that you may have felt overwhelmed, anxious or depressed over recent months.  A Pandemic isn’t a small challenge to navigate as a business owner!  So much of the work of being a business owner or entrepreneur is on...

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Instagram Guides - What You Need to Know blog estelle Nov 19, 2020

Have you seen that Instagram have now started rolling out guides across the UK. We first heard about Guides way back in May when it was more focussed on health and wellness and I have been patiently waiting ever since but today I can finally show you all from a user’s perspective what...

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Surviving Lockdown As A Small Business Blog blog estelle guest blogs Nov 11, 2020

2020 has been the craziest of years and I feel your struggle as small business owners and thats why, for the second time this year I have created a survival guide that will help you stay sane and build your business during lockdown. Whether you need advice on how to pivot in your business,...

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Surviving Lockdownā€¦again! blog estelle Nov 05, 2020

As we enter the second UK lockdown ( here in Leicester it feels like we have spent 6 months in lockdown ) I know there are so many business owners out there who are in a blind panic and thinking WFT do I do now.

Its been heart-breaking to see so many posts across my social media of shops closing...

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2020 A Decade of Instagram ā€“ 40 Facts You NEED to Know blog estelle Oct 19, 2020

With Instagram turning 10 this month I thought it would be a great time to share a few of my favourite insta facts…we …about 40 of them actually! Just for fun!

Let me know…did any of them surprise you? How many facts did you already know?


Instagram debuted on 6th...

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